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How to Make Ice Chips Like The Hospital


To make ice chips like those used in hospitals, follow these steps:

Materials needed:

- Water

- Ice cube trays

- A blender or food processor

- A fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth


1. Fill the ice cube trays with water and freeze until solid.

2. Remove the frozen ice cubes from the trays and place them in a blender or food processor.

3. Blend the ice cubes into small chips or flakes, similar to the consistency of snow.

4. Strain the ice chips through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove any large pieces or chunks.

5. Use the ice chips immediately, or store them in an airtight container in the freezer for later use.


- Use purified water to make the ice chips to ensure they are free from impurities.

- Adjust the size of the ice chips by blending them for a shorter or longer time.

- You can also add a small amount of glycerin or saline solution to the water before freezing to make the ice chips more similar to those used in hospitals.

Note: Ice chips are commonly used in hospitals to help patients stay hydrated and comfortable during medical procedures or when they have difficulty swallowing solid ice cubes.

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